Friday, November 21, 2008

Ever since

Don LaFontaine died, movie trailers have gotten a bit weird. I mean, most of us grew up with that voice narrating all our film trailers, and now it's gone. And they've tried to replace him with some approximation, but it never sounds right. It always sounds off, like in those parodies of trailers. It bothers me on a deep level.

I miss you, Don LaFontaine's Voice.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Prophecy:

As the sun sets on the 6th day, look to the South. He shall approach, on the back of a Grey Hound. He shall have on him the clothes of a poet. In his satchel he carries undeniable truths of the universe. He shall stay among you a number of days, sharing his wisdom among all who ask for it. Then, with great sadness in his heart, he shall depart again for the frozen lands from whence he came. But cry not! For he will return after a brief time, wiser and nobler than even when he left. And there shall be great rejoicing and giving of gifts.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A goal of mine:

To be the top Google result for my name. That's when I'll know I'm famous.


There's something special about eating a can of peaches for lunch and having the song "Peaches" come on the radio.

Speaking of my highly satisfying lunch, I can't wait to go back home and eat some real food. Mmmm... Proper omelets.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


She's straight!

Also, we did long form in improv today, and it was the most fun I've with improv in a long time.

Today has been a good day, Jeb.