Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Favorite Holiday.

Today is my favorite holiday. No, not Temporally-Displaced Halloween or World Vegan Day. I mean Stupidly Cheap Candy Day, the day when all the stores desperately mark down the prices of their massive bags of Halloween candy in a frenzied attempt to make more shelf space for Christmas candy. I was able to pick up a year's worth of candy for just over $25.

Also, I mailed off my presidential ballot today. Yay Democracy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Orson Welles

I would like to hang out with Orson Welles. Not because he's one of the greatest directors of all time, though that is a bonus, but because I'd never get shot. The man was so big that any bullets fired at us would gravitate towards him and then harmlessly embed themselves in his copious flesh.