Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello 3 AM

Entropy is the most beautiful thing in the world. I love dirty streets and broken windows and dusty hallways. I love the inevitable decay and chaos of the universe. Nothing stays perfect. Art gets grimy, statues crumble, words get mistranslated. We can't stop it. Everything humanity does is futile in the face of entropy. Why bother? What's the point of building, of creating? In the long run, at the end of it all, everything just crumbles away and is forgotten.

How can this destruction be beautiful? Why do I say that the collapse of beauty is beautiful?

Because it gives us purpose. We should create BECAUSE our creations won't last. If we all gave up, if nobody created anything beautiful, then there wouldn't be any more beauty in the world. Entropy makes us create, by destroying everything we make. So we have to fight entropy. So that our children can live in a world at least as beautiful as the one we grew up in, we do what we can to make it beautiful. We sing, we write and paint and draw. We take pictures to preserve a beautiful moment. We film a story so that it lasts. Entropy is what we struggle against. The decay is what makes us keep going. We keep moving forward to keep ahead of the end just a little longer, so that we can make just a little more beauty for the world. Without destruction there would be no creation. Without ugliness there would be nothing beautiful. I'm going to keep running ahead of entropy, doing all I can to slow it down, so the ugliness of the world stays away for a bit longer.

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